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The Diaspora Newsletter
Published by AfricaRecruit
|From the Editor
| AfricaRecruit conferences reports and presentations
| Other reports: Launch Engaging the Black Minority Ethnic Groups in the labour Market of their home countries | The Civil Society Day of the Global Forum on Migration and Development | Diaspora African Forum Successfully Launched | Connections for Development launch online Forum | AfricaRecruit: Forthcoming Events | Announcement: Call for Papers
| AfricaRecruit: Forthcoming Events | Forthcoming Events : Partner Information | FindajobinAfrica partner with Nigeria's Business Day to Launch Job Supplement
From the Editorial Desk
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the third edition of the Diaspora newsletter coming at the mid point of the year and the begining of the summer holidays. This edition focuses on the reports from some of the workshops / conferences that have been organised by AfricaRecruit; the Civil Society Day of the Global Migration Forum which had a representation of Diaspora organisations from Europe and other parts of the world. This edition also reports on the successful launch of the Diaspora African Forum during the AU Heads of Government meeting held in Accra, Ghana, where the famed African American Civil Rights leader, Global Human Rights activist and Ambassador for World Peace, Reverend Jesse Jackson was present. .
As usual, there is a calendar of events which we believe will be of immense value to our readers. Particularly, AfricaRecruit will also be hosting, with other partners the Ghana Investment and Skills Forum in October. Updates on this will be available on our websiteThe AfricaRecruit website will be updated as regularly and you can get further updates on our events and partner's events.
Have a happy read and a good holiday!
Onome Ako
Reports and presentations from AfricaRecruit conferences available on website
Recommendations to the European Union on the CfD- ADVAD consultation with respect to the Joint EU- Africa Strategy is available on
Engaging the Black Minority Ethnic Groups in the labour Market of their home countries, London 12th of July 2007
AfricaRecruit and Connections for Development organised a workshop “Engaging the Black Minority Ethnic Groups in the labour Market of their home countries” on the 12th of July 2007. It attracted over 100 participants. Over 150 delegates responded to the survey which was conducted as a build up to the workshop which aimed to gauge the profile of skills in the Diaspora; their actual engagement in the labour markets of their home countries; challenges they face in the process and recommendations on the way forward in ensuring constructive and successful engagement.
The overall aim of the workshop was to harness the capacity and capabilities of the Diaspora in career professional opportunities in their home countries/ continents. It provided information on the skills base that exists in the Diaspora and identified opportunities across sectors in home countries. It also aimed to facilitate transfer of skills through formal employment. The workshop also highlighted the value in volunteerism.
The speakers were drawn from across the public, private and Non Governmental Organisation sectors. They aimed to respond to some of the issues participants face in engaging with opportunities across the various sectors. Speakers included Victor Banjo, Chief Human Resources Officer, Virgin Nigeria; Chinwe Umealo, Procter and Gamble; David Benson, International Human Resources Manager, Oxfam and Tayo Ariyo, Africa Overseas Recruitment Manager, Shell International UK; Kuria Muchiru, Chief Operations Officer PriceWaterHouseCoopers Africa Central; Amy Lockwood, Clinton Foundation; Mohammad Iqbal, Coordinator, UK Gateway Protection Programme, International Organisation for Migration; Alache Ode, Voluntary Service Overseas; Ritesh S. Doshi and Elizabeth Ebua.
The workshop and active participation reiterated that the Diaspora are playing an important role in the various employment sectors in their host countries and increasingly, their home countries hence reversing the tide of the brain drain.
To view presentations and survey results kindly visit
The Civil Society Day of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, 9th July 2007
The first day of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) meeting was devoted to civil society. It was organised at the request and with the support of the government of Belgium. More than 200 civil society representatives attended the Civil Society Day to discuss relevant issues and to offer organized input to the following governmental discussions following on July 10th and 11th. A wide range of stakeholders were brought together and included: Migration, development and human rights NGOs, including faith-based organizations; Diaspora organizations; Researchers; Trade union representatives and Private sector actors, including money transfer associations. The agenda largely mirrored the governmental agenda with the three sessions concentration on Human capital development and labour mobility: maximising opportunities and minimising risks; Remittances and other Diaspora resources: increasing their net volume and development value and Enhancing Institutional and Policy Coherence and Promoting Partnerships. For a complete report on the proceedings click
Diaspora African Forum Successfully Launched
The official launch of the Diaspora African Forum (DAF) HQ was held from the 1st-3rd of July during the Africa Union Heads of States meeting with the participation of distinguished personalities such as the famed African American Civil Rights leader, Global Human Rights activist and Ambassador for World Peace, Reverend Jesse Jackson. DAF exists "to invite and encourage the full participation of Africans in the Diaspora in the building of the African Union, in its capacity as an important part of the Continent". It provides the vital linkage for diaspora Africans to become involved in Africa's development as well as reap the fruits of African unity. Hosting a wide range of forums open to all Africans and diasporas, and weblogs for key thinkers and visionaries of Diaspora involvement in Africa, DAF also publishes a monthly newsletter in printable format and host news feed specifically devoted to Africa Diaspora relations. The Diaspora African Forum plans to host a wide-range of dynamic, breakthrough forums and special events across Africa and around Africa’s global Diaspora, including presentation with the World Bank/IMF’s Africa Society of the third annual African International Media Summit (AIMS), in May of 2008 in Washington, DC, with the continuing theme “Rebranding Africa”. For more information visit or call + 233 -21-780-923
Announcement: Call for Papers
National Universities Commission: Call For Application & Participation Linkage With Experts and Academics In The Diaspora (Lead Program)- Application Period: June 20-31, 2007
As part of the Federal Government’s continued effort at transforming the educational sector through collaboration with Nigerians in the Diaspora, The National Universities Commission (NUC) Abuja is pleased to announce Nigeria’s Linkage with Experts and Academics in the Diaspora (LEAD) Program for the year 2007.
LEAD is aimed at attracting experts and academics of Nigerian origin in the Diaspora to contribute their quota to the development of the Nigerian University System, and hence development of the Nation through short-term academic appointments. Applications are invited from qualified Nigerian Experts and Academics in the Diaspora who wish to serve at Nigerian Federal, State, or Private universities as Visiting Lecturers, Visiting Professors or Visiting Researchers over a period of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. The first phase of the service is limited to the following disciplines Information and Communications Technology (ICT); Management Science and Business Administration; Mathematic; Medicine and Dentistry; Mining Engineering; Natural Sciences; Oil and Gas Engineering.
To Apply or for more information, please visit
Seye Aina presents a weekly business programme called Corporate Insight on Tuesdays at 9.30pm, Passion TV (Sky 169). The producers of the programme are Visage Communications. Seye interviews business leaders, successful entrepreneurs and high achievers. The programme not only provides a great insight into the business, corporate and BAME sectors but also provides educational and inspiring business information. On the programme there is also an opportunity each month to win a competition prize sponsored by the Airline VirginNigeria. To appear on the show Corporate Insight or for advertising or sponsorship enquiries Email :; Telephone: 0870 446 0314 / 07974 435727/ 0208 855 5168 and for further information visit :
AfricaRecruit: Forthcoming Events
Ghana Diaspora Skills and Investment Forum
As part of the celebration of Ghana's golden jubilee and the recognition of the Ghanian Diaspora, AfricaRecuit in partnership with the Capital Group Ghana amongst others will be hosting a one day conference in October 12th -13th 2007. For details and updates, kindly email
Forthcoming Events : Partner Information
United Kingdom and Europe
4th African Ambassadors Interactive Forum : African Ambassadors and the African Diaspora as Economic Gateways London, September 17-19th 2007
INGO Third Sector Resource and its development partners are organising for the first time, outside Africa, an African Ambassadors Interactive Forum aimed specifically to engage the African Diaspora. The African Ambassadors Interactive Forum (AAIF) was borne out of a necessity to promote the integration and development objectives of the African Union in a more operationally sustainable way. This Forum is a platform for translating these noble objectives into reality through harnessing the resources of the Africa Diplomatic Missions and Africa Diaspora to fulfil Africa's economic development agenda. For details and how to register kindly visit
Europe Africa Business Summit 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 October, 2007
This summit strives to increase European private sector awareness of the many commercial opportunities in Africa. The major theme of the summit is “The State and the Future of the European-African Economic Relationships. For further information visit
First biannual Europe-Africa Business Summit from 6th to 10th November 2007
NEPAD Council in partnership with the German Africa Business Association and their international partners will host the conference at the CCH. Congress Center Hamburg. For further information, visit
Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Glasgow, UK, 7-9 November 2007
The theme of this conference is International Entrepreneurship - stimulating smarter successful small businesses world-wide. It will bridge theory and practice in enterprise creation, education, training and research. The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 31 July 2007. For further information visit
United States of America and North America
Africa ICT Awareness and Fundraising Event, Washington D.C, September 8
NEPAD Council, a nonprofit organization of African professionals, is hosting a reception and dinner event at the South African embassy in Washington DC. The event kicks off NEPAD Council’s ICT awareness and fundraising activities. Proceeds from this activity will help support two of NEPAD Council’s Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) initiatives; “Africa Broadband Communities” and “ICT Africa”. There is will be networking with professionals of the African Diaspora, diplomats, and representatives of ICT companies and Institutions. Ms. Amina Salum Ali, Ambassador of the African Union Mission to the USA and the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the USA will be the featured speakers. An overview of major African ICT infrastructure projects and the role of NEPAD Council will be presented. Donations in the form of cash or auction items will be appreciated. If you wish to attend and/or make a donation please register by clicking the registration link or contact Clarissa Dhliwayo: 607-857-2456; Email
Africa Infrastructure Conference: Building on Sustainability, October 8-10, 2007, Washington, D.C
Organised by the Corporate Council on Africa, this years Africa Infrastructure Conference will build on the foundation laid at last year’s conference. Participants can expect to meet representatives who can help expand their business in the African market. Participants will also benefit from networking with African government officials, investors, capital market experts, infrastructure providers, utility providers, and investment bankers. For further information kindly visit
Forum Africa 2007, Quebec Canada, 27-28 September 2007
African Business RoundTable (ABR) and Afrique Expansion Mag (AEM) in collaboration with the Canadian Corporate Council on Africa (CCAfrica) will host FORUM AFRICA 2007 in Montreal, Canada. This 2007 Forum event will be focused on promoting and advancing opportunities for investments and partnerships for sustainable development in Africa.
This 3rd biannual international forum aims to provide strategic tools for private and public investments and economic development in Africa. This is a unique opportunity to meet more than 500 delegates, including company CEOs and managing directors; and senior decision makers from the African public sector and international institutions--all in a welcoming and comfortable setting at the prestigious Le Centre Sheraton Hotel in Montreal. For details kindly visit
2nd Nigerian Diaspora Day / 3rd Science and Technology Conference: Connecting Nigeria With Her Diaspora, Abuja Nigeria, Juy 25-28, 2007
The conference will aim to establish strategic relationship between Nigerian science and technology experts in the diaspora and their counterparts at home for the accelerated technological advancement of Nigeria. Expected audience include Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Head of Service, Hon. Ministers, Special Advisers, Central Bank governor and Heads of Relevant Federal Government Agencies, Universities, Agencies/Parastatals, Corporate Bodies/Professional Bodies and the Diaspora.
For details and registration visit
Incorporating the Preparatory Kenya Diaspora Home-Coming Forum, Nairobi, Kenya 14-16 August, 2007
The aim of the conference is to bring together the Kenya Diaspora Community and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sectors to participate strategically in Kenya's economic development. The first conference and exhibition to discuss this initiative was held in October 2006 at KICC and was part of the several on-going efforts by the Kenya Government and the Private Sector Businness Community to bring this important group of Kenyans in the Diaspora and local Kenyans together for national development.
For details kindly Visit
HR West Africa Conference, Accra, Ghana , 20-22 August 2007
This event will take you through each of the 7 steps involved in achieving HR excellence through in-depth presentations surrounding the challenges of changing previous mind-sets of your organisation, to the rewards of positioning your HR department to be involved in the business strategies and acquiring representation on the board.
This event will prepare delegates for the 4th Annual HR Africa Summit scheduled to run in November 2007 in South Africa. The knowledge delegates will gain from the expert South African and West African speakers at this event on best practise approaches and methodology to moving their HR department from an administrative function to a strategic business partner will ensure you have the correct tools, methodologies and procedures in place to take the next leap in achieving HR excellence. For further information kindly visit
Africa Investment Forum (AIF): Mobilising Investments for Clusters and Value Chains, Durban, South Africa, September 12-13, 2007
This year, AIF takes a new turn by focusing on concentrated areas of development that over time can become clusters of excellence. The use of clusters to attract investment and in increasing economic output is a universally recognised phenomenon. It will focus on -
Knowledge Based Clusters Information Technology & IT enabled Services (BPO / KPO) ; Lifesciences.
- Manufacturing Based Clusters Auto-components; Electronics Assembly;.
- Industrial Process Based Clusters Mining & Minerals and Petro-chemicals.
- Service Based Clusters Broadband Communications; Financial Services.
It will provide participants a first hand account of investment climate in Africa from a policy & regulatory environment perspective as well as real-life opportunities in key projects. For more information, visit
Africa Small Business Summit, Lagos, Nigeria, 4-5 October
This Forum will consider progress since the previous CBC/SMEDAN event held in Abuja in July 2006 in respect of: regulatory framework, administrative procedures, access to finance, governance. It will focus on the issues facing those enterprises attempting to progress from the informal to the formal sector and women entrepreneurs. It will assess the interface between large and small businesses, the opportunities for entrepreneurial skills development, training and access to technology and address the potential for enterprise development in key sectors. For further information kindly visit
5th African Business Leaders Forum: Leadership through Partnership, Accra, Ghana, 17-19 October, 2007
A gathering of Africa’s most distinguished business leaders, public sector decision makers and entrepreneurs will converge for the 5th African Business Leaders Forum in Ghana. on the occasion of Ghana’s 50th independence anniversary. The ABLF 2007 builds on the gains of four previous successful gatherings held in South Africa. It is convened and hosted by Business in Africa magazine, Business and Financial Times, Ghana, and the Government of Ghana through the Ghana @ 50 Secretariat.
The African Business Leaders Forum has now become a knowledge network of business leaders in the private and public sectors. The powerful line-up of speakers for previous events have included presidents, prime ministers, ministers, directors general, captains of industry and leading opinion formers in the public/private sectors. More than 2000 high profile business leaders from 33 African countries have participated in the African Business Leader Forum since its inception in 2003. For further information, kindly visit ; Call: +27 (0)11 807 0948, Fax: +27 (0)11 807 0919,or email
5th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Windhoek, Namibia, 24 October
The aim of the 5th International Conference is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research findings associated with entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging and developed economies as it impacts on economic growth & development. For more information visit
The Commonwealth Business Forum, November 20- 22, Kampala, Uganda
The Commonwealth Business Forum in conjunction with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, is a major international business event, which brings together over 600 government and business leaders from throughout the Commonwealth and beyond.
The Forum promotes practices and policies for the enhancement of global trade and investment. It provides new opportunities for business networking and partnerships, drawing on the Commonwealth's comparative advantage. The Forum will also highlight Uganda and East Africa's advantages, opportunities, and position as a trade and investment hub. The Forum is aimed at global business leaders, particularly from the Commonwealth, Africa, Asia, and Europe. For more information, visit

Findajobinafrica and Nigeria’s Business Day newspaper has since May 2007 launched an exciting new job supplement, in a collaboration that will bring some of Africa’s top job vacancies to Nigeria. The publication called FJA Jobs is published fortnightly on Fridays, as a supplement to Nigeria’s premier publication, Business Day. The supplement features a wide range of vacancies up to senior executive level and showcases job opportunities in Nigeria, the whole of Africa and also include international, Africa related jobs. Leading multinationals, local Nigerian businesses, non governmental organisations and international donor organisations are among a host of organisations that have already contributed to the editorial content and advertise in the supplement to fill their vacancies. A section of the supplement will be devoted to hard-hitting feature articles covering human resource and training issues.
Contact Claire for advertising and editorial contributions:
Online job portal A one stop job search engine for Africa connecting recruiters in Africa with jobseekers inside and outside Africa
Jobs in Africa in all industry used by recruiters to target local; repatriates and expatriates for details kindly visit